Mia Erdenebileg

 Mia Erdenebileg
Mia Erdenebileg

Mia Erdenebileg

Year in School

Computer Science

Year of Participation in STARS

  • 2021-2022
  • Fall 2022
  • Spring 2023

Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence Interactive Computing Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and Software Engineering

Research Mentor
Prof. Nancy M. Amato

Research/Engagement Experience
I am an undergraduate researcher at the Parasol Lab working with Dr. Nancy Amato's team. We are an open source software development for robot task and motion planning that develops novel motion planning algorithms using the parasol planning library. In previous semesters, I have worked on developing effective roadmap and local planner algorithms for narrow passage and multi-robot environments. This semester, I will be working on implementing a scalable prioritized planning algorithm for a routing problem to improve automated design tools. I presented my research at multiple research fairs at UIUC, such as TrickorResearch and Spring Symposium. I have also enjoyed CS engagement activities such as presenting at SAIL parent week, designing a shirt for Celebrating CS, and talking to students at high school recruitment events.

Robotics, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Science Education.

Project Title
Undergraduate Student Researcher at the Parasol Open Source Software Development for Robot Task and Motion Planning

How did I get interested in Computer Science?
I have always been passionate about mathematics and concepts that involved problem solving. I became interested in computer science when I was in high school and explored programming through an online course and learned how versatile the curriculum is.

What social interests matter to me?
Environmental sustainability and economic fairness for k-12 educators.

What is my most impactful college experience?
Meeting new people with similar passions by joining CS related RSOs as well as the chess club and archery club. Doing fun activities while being immersed in my culture at the Mongolian Cultural Organization. I also really loved listening to and supporting student band and musicians at local house shows.

These are a few of my favorite things!
Green tea with honey. Playing chess and competing with my friends. Watching Rick and Morty, especially the episode, Pickle Rick. Hanging out with my cat Rainne.

Research Description
The Parasol Lab is an open source software development for robot task and motion planning that develops novel motion planning algorithms using the parasol planning library. This semester, I will be working on implementing a scalable prioritized planning algorithm for a routing problem to improve automated design tools in partnership with Toyota Research team.

v I am a current Senior at UIUC majoring in Computer Science. I transferred to the university through the Engineering Pathways Program from Wilbur Wright City College of Chicago. I was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and I graduated middle school in Sacramento, California. Throughout my college experience, I had the opportunity to be involved in multiple engineering student professional organizations such as Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers and Association of Computing Machinery as well as do research for the National Science Foundation for the ASEE Journal. I am now doing research at the Parasol Lab with Dr. Nancy Amato's team working on the implementation of effective motion planning algorithms. I hope to use my past experiences to elevate my continuous expedition in bringing diversity and support for women in Computer Science through the CS STARS Program.